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Flip Dikker
helps you grow and thrive

pri-therapy | dialogue | coaching

Ik help je meer in contact zijn met jezelf en daardoor ook met anderen.
Thuis en in je werk.

You are reaching your limits

Then you've come to the right place. Private or business.  You get angry quickly, you would like to cooperate better or you feel that there is more to you than you show. You've come to the point where you want to work with it. If that is recognizable to you, I would be happy to help you on your way.

Starting soon!

Yearly program for when you are closely confronted with psychological suffering.


During the meetings we work with what is on the table. The daily practice and what it does to us. The form is that of the dialogue: we learn from and with each other and use the material of Past Reality Integration where appropriate.

What I can offer you

I help you feel better and understand why your life is going the way it is. Recognize your patterns and reset to what suits you better. Be more in touch with yourself and therefore also with others. At home and at work. PRI and the dialogue are powerful tools that I teach you to use independently.


In een kleine groep ontmoet je andere ouders met zorg voor een kind met psychische gevoeligheid. In een dialogisch kringgesprek vindt je inspiratie en steun bij elkaar. En kun goed je verhaal kwijt bij mensen die weten, voelen waar je het over hebt.



Voor beter samenwerken in plaats van duwen en trekken. Leren om bottom-up participatie aan de gang te krijgen. Uit het patroon komen dat jij het wel snapt en maar de rest niet. Met inzet van de dialoog.


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Je leert de remmende patronen te doorzien en waar die vandaan komen. In je team, in jouw leiderschap. En dan beter kiezen wat nu eigenlijk nodig is. Waar nodig is er ad interim hulp voor je team of een project.


About Flip

Flip grew up in a large family. Too big actually. Had to do his best to be seen. Later travelled, studied, married and started working very hard. And only later really experience what works to be more yourself, how much that is worth and how good that feels. Many thanks to PRI and the STAP dialogue.

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Even kennismaken

20 min


Anker ervaringen


Flip has the gift of making me think about things that seem normal at first. He ensures that I gain insights myself so that I can change my actions. The insights often come at a later stage. This allows me to develop as a person. Even now that I have known Flip longer, he continues to inspire me.

Luuk Uphoff

Entrepreneur Luuk Uphoff


"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"



flip dikker ez Amersfoortseweg 98
3941 EP  DOORN,  NL

+31 651 953 886

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